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The Story

The History of the Band, Happy Days

It's a pretty simple story as stories go....


The 2nd Generation,  gained popularity and recognition in the Jamestown, NY, and surrounding area, when 2 Italian born brothers, Chuck and Ross Giuffre`, who didn't speak English, but loved music, and an American born girl, Annie Immordino,  who spoke English AND Italian, who loved music just as much, joined musical talents and formed the band that entertained audiences far and wide from 1978 to 1984.


As bands do, and Happy Days was/is no exception, personnel changes and name changes took members on different paths.  In 1984, Annie Immordino ventured off to pursue other musical interests  and two, Tom Civiletto and Devere Patterson,  came on.


A change of name was searched for.  A future band member, Joe Santilli, who played in another band at the time and was the band's booking agent, suggested that, like his band, which was named Dallas for the popular TV show of the time, that the guys find a name that people would remember.  The TV show Happy Days was hugely popular at the time and so the band's name was chosen in 1984.


In the approximately 30 years since, many personnel changes occurred.  


Tom moved away from the area and so entered Mark Mikrut.  A while later, Devere retired from playing in bands and  Mark continued as a member for a few years more before moving on and out of state.   With Mark's exit,  Joe Santilli joined and became the longest running member other than the brothers.  When Joe retired, Gabriella Giuffre` Caruso, became the only female to officially join the band.  She sang and played for a couple of years until she started her own family.  The two brothers then continued as just a duo until late 2013 when Gabriel, formerly known as Ross, announced he was quitting the band ending a 35 year joint venture with his brother Chuck.


Chuck and Angelo decided Happy Days should continue and so it does as a father and son team which sees a dream come to fruition!  


Chuck and Angelo are committed to bringing the best music ever made to venues in the NY, PA and OH areas.  They aspire to always do that with their natural born talents to entertain, and family values, taking front stage wherever they play.


As Chuck's signature on emails says, "Wishing you HAPPY DAYS always"  Angelo agrees!



Second Generation

Second Generation

Before Happy Days

the original 4 Members of Happy Days

the original 4 Members of Happy Days

the original 4 Members of Happy Days

the original 4 Members of Happy Days

the original 4 Members of Happy Days

the original 4 Members of Happy Days

the original 4 Members of Happy Days

the original 4 Members of Happy Days



the original 4 Members of Happy Days

the original 4 Members of Happy Days

the original 4 Members of Happy Days

the original 4 Members of Happy Days

the original 4 Members of Happy Days

the original 4 Members of Happy Days























Chuck on Drums

Chuck on Drums

Chuck and Ross.JPG

Chuck and Ross.JPG

Click on Thumbnails to enlarge picures

HAppy Days
© 2013 By original member of Happy Days, CHuck Giuffre`
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